Play Star Wars Battle Front 2 with KJ-Stick

Demo gameplay of [Star Wars Battle Front 2] using KJ-Stick
Things are required

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PC)
Install the game [Star Wars Battle Front 2] on your PC.
Cast app
The app which is to stream gameplay screen to your mobile devices. There are free apps of IOS and Android versions. You need to install one of these in your mobile device. Check the links below:

"Moonlight" for both Andorid and IOS

"Steam Link" for both Andorid and IOS

"AMD Link" for both Andorid and IOS

Mobile devices
You need one of them: iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Android tablet.
Install the casting app (shown above) to stream the screen of your PC.

WiFi router
Wifi Router which connects both your mobile device and the PC.
How to Setup:
Connect 4 KJ-Sticks to computer via bluetooth. Then set the KJ-Stick to the corresponding modes as shown in the below image. Also set them in the right position.

See the below video for the control by body motion.
Then cast the computer screen to your tablet or smart phones. Using cast app such as "Steam Link", "AMD Link" or "Moonlight" to do so.
Cast app
The app which is to stream gameplay screen to your mobile devices. There are free apps of IOS and Android versions. You need to install one of these in your mobile device. Check the links below:

"Moonlight" for both Andorid and IOS

"Steam Link" for both Andorid and IOS

"AMD Link" for both Andorid and IOS
In the game setting of [Star Wars Battlefront 2]. Set the solider sensitivity to about 50%. Also set the ZOOM MODE to TOGGLE.

How to Control:
See the below video for the control by body motion.
See the below images for the button assigned